The Faces Behind CASCWA
Bay Area Section
Dr. Dishawn Givens
Bay Section President
Celeste Pracale
Bay Section Vice President
A Message From Our Bay Section President
Dear Members and Friends of CASCWA,
It is an honor to address you as the Bay Section CASCWA President. There has never been a more pivotal time to intensify the great work of this organization. We are in unprecedented times and our work has never been more important. Our world is changing at breakneck speed. We have shifted how we “do school”; we are in a worldwide pandemic, which has sent our students and staff into their homes for teaching and learning. We are experiencing civil unrest as we see America’s racial inequalities which have been acknowledged by the entire globe. As we end this school year and prepare for the next, we find ourselves looking for answers.
CASCWA Bay Section will be here to support with up-to-date information around the latest policies and guidance. Equity issues and gaps have been exacerbated by COVID-19 and social unrest across our country. This is building an increasing need for Cultural Competence, restorative practices and a strong focus on equity. There is a need for the development of innovative practices around enrollment, attendance and parent engagement. We must work together in this new frontier in education.
As we move into the new school year, I look forward to working with the new Bay Section board.
President—DiShawn Givens
Vice President—Celeste Pracale
Secretary—Ligia Briseño
Treasurer—Andrew Kevy
We are excited to share that even in a pandemic, once we extended our deadline, we received 40 scholarship applications. We are pleased to have selected 12 amazing recipients from the following districts: Berkeley, Newark, San Francisco, Liberty, Hayward, Watsonville, Konocti and West Contra Costa.
Members, we need you! If you would like to have a more active role in CASCWA this year, please reach out to any of the board members. If you know of districts, schools or staff members who need to be connected to CASCWA, please help them to connect with us. The times that we are in require connecting to each other and as many resources as possible in the service of our diverse communities.
Dr. Dishawn Givens
Bay Section President
2020-2021 Bay Section Executive Board Meetings:
All meetings on Wednesday from 4:30-6:30
2020-21 Meetings:
Meeting dates and times are being determined
Information on our future CASCWA workshops, upcoming events and the 2021 CASCWA State Conference will be posted soon!