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The Faces Behind CASCWA

Delta Sierra Section

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Melissa Parrett
Delta Sierra President

Student Services Program Coordinator Nevada County
Superintendent of Schools 


Erica Peterson
Delta Sierra Section Secretary

School Innovation

& Achievement  

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Virginia Burns
Delta Sierra Section 

Sutter COE 


Melina Medina
Delta Sierra Section

Woodland Joint Unified School District


Dan Sackheim
Delta Sierra Vice President

California Department of Education Programs Consultant


Lisa Sanchez
Delta Sierra Past President

Woodland Joint Unified
School District

The Faces Behind CASCWA

Delta Sierra — Board Members


Joan Jeffery
Delta Sierra Section 

Member at Large  
Shasta COE  

David Kopperud
Delta Sierra Section 

Special Projects

 California Department of Education - Education Programs Consultant


Bonita Aytch
Delta Sierra Section 

Member at Large  
San Juan USD

Richard Davis
Delta Sierra Section
Historian Scholarship

Lifetime CASCWA Member

A Message From Our Delta Sierra President



Dear CASCWA Community,


As the 2019-20 school year draws to a close, I continue to be inspired by the compassion and dedication of educators across the nation. In the midst of difficult times, we have risen up using creativity, flexibility and technology in efforts to connect with students and support parents like never before.


Delta-Sierra is also making efforts to adapt and best support its membership as well as districts and schools across Northern California. We are welcoming input from those within our region regarding training and technical assistance needs so that Delta-Sierra may provide support.


CASCWA has had to make modifications for upcoming Annual Conferences which will post-pone Delta’s hosting responsibilities by one year. We consider this a blessing as it will provide more planning time for us to create a robust and comprehensive conference in 2022. Delta-Sierra will also be focusing on increasing regional membership to recruit support the event and expand networking/training opportunities for those in rural communities.  


Our Richard C. Davis Scholarship award process was also modified this year. While the celebratory annual award dinner had to be cancelled in the interest of safety, members of Delta-Sierra elected to allocate funds set aside for the event to increase scholarship award amounts.


In closing, this summer will be a busy time of planning and preparing for re-opening of our schools. It is important to not become overwhelmed by this process. Instead, I encourage you to focus on the fact that the majority of children across the nation have never been more eager to return to school and that parents have never been more thankful for educators. Also, please be sure to make self-care paramount and continue to invest in relationship building it will provide the greatest return!


Thankful for all of the hard work that you do,


Melissa Parrett

Student Services Program Coordinator

Nevada County Superintendent of Schools Office

380 Crown Point Circle., Grass Valley, CA 95945

Tel. (530) 478-6400 ext. 2021  Fax (530) 478-6410




Melissa Parrett is the Student Services Program Coordinator for the Nevada County Superintendent of Schools Office. Prior to entering the field of education she spent 10 years working for the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges in close partnership with the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. In this role, she traveled the nation extensively conducting a variety of research and program evaluation projects related to child abuse and neglect, foster care, adoption and court procedure. These projects touched a broad range of areas including social psychology/sociology, child development and family dynamics, organizational behavior, and systems change. Roughly 14 years ago, Melissa joined the staff at the Nevada County Superintendent of Schools Office. Overtime, she has acquired many “hats” as is typical in smaller rural county offices. She is President of the California Association of Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance, Delta-Sierra Section. Melissa and her husband have been married for fifteen years and have two school aged children and a newborn at home.




Delta Sierra Section Executive Board Meetings:

All regularly scheduled meetings are from 1:30-3:00

You can contact our secretary direct at

2020-21 Meetings:

Our first meeting of 2020/21 will be a Board retreat on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 from 10 am- 2 pm.

Please RSVP to attend.

2020-21 workshops, certification and other events are currently being determined! 


Information will be posted at at

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