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CASCWA's Intercoms (Previous Editions)
The history of the CASCWA Organization dates back to the 1950’s! Beginning in the 1980, CASCWA began communicating to members through the newsletter known as, “The Intercom.”
Please take a walk through the history of CASCWA and the history of educational issues in California by visiting our collection of past editions of the Intercom. We have divided our collections by decades. This collection is a tribute to all of the great educators who have contributed to the "Children of California" and to our CASCWA organization.
2020's Past Editions Click below:
2020 Int Jan; 2020 Int March; 2020 Int June;
2010's Past Editions Click below:
2010 Int Mar; 2011 Int May; 2011-12 Int Dec-Jan; 2012 Int Nov; 2013 Int Jan;
2013 Int March; 2013 Int Sept; 2014 Int Jan; 2014 Int June; 2014 Int Sept; 2014 Int Dec; 2015 Int Feb; 2015 Int August; 2o15 Int Nov; 2016 Int Jan; 2016 Int Mar, 2016 Int Conf 1; 2016 Int Conf 2; 2016 Int Conf 3; 2016 Int Conf 4; 2016 Int Conf5; 2016 Int Conf6; 2017 Int Jan; 2017 Int Mar; 2017 Int Nov; 2018 Int Feb; 2018 Int Jan, 2018 Int June, 2018 Int Sept, 2019 Int Jan; 2019 Int March; 2019 Int Sept;
2000's Past Editions Click below:
2000 Con Feb; 2000 Int Feb; 2000 Int Sept; 2001 Int Feb; 2001 Int Oct; 2001 Con Dec;
2002 Int Feb; 2002 Con Mar; 2002 Int April; 2003 Int Jan; 2003 Int Oct; 2003 Int Oct Conf; 2003 Conf Insert; 2004 Con Jan; 2004 Int Mar; 2o04 Int Oct; 2005 Int Jan; 2005 Con Mar; 2005 Int June; 2005 Int Nov; 2006 Int Conf 1; 2006 Int Conf 2; 2006 Int Nov; 2007 Int Mar; 2007 Int Conf; 2007 Int Aug; 2007 Int Nov; 2008 Int Dec; 2009 Int Mar; 2009 Int June; 20o9 Int Sept;
1990's Past Editions Click below:
1990 Int Jan; 1990 Int April; 1990 Int Oct; 1991 Int Jan; 1991 Int Sept; 1992 Int Jan; 1992 Int April; 1992 Int Sept; 1993 Int Feb; 1993 Int April; 1993 Int Sept; 1994 Int Jan; 1994 Int April; 1994 Int Sept; 1995 Int Jan; 1995 Mar; 1995 Int Sept; 1996 Int Jan; 1996 Con Fall; 1996 Int April; 1996 Int Sept; 1997 Int Jan; 1997 Con Fall; 1997 Int April; 1997 Int Sept; 1997 Con Winter; 1998 Int Jan; 1998 Int April; 1999 Int Mar; 1999 Con Spring; 1999 Int Sept;
1980's Past Editions Click below:
1983 Int Jan; 1984 Int Jan; 1984 Int April; 1984 Int Sept; 1984 Int Dec; 1985 Int April; 1985 Int June; 1985 Int Oct; 1986 Int Feb; 1986 Int April; 1986 Int Sept; 1987 Int Jan; 1987 Int June; 1987 Int Sept; 1988 Int Jan; 1988 Int April; 1988 Int Oct; 1989 Int Jan; 1989 Int Oct; 1989 Int Dec;
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